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作者: 周鑫   信息来源:食品学院    发布时间: 2024-10-22



主持国家自然科学基金青年科学项目1项辽宁省高等学校基本科研项目1项辽宁省自然科学基金资助计划面上项目1项、辽宁省科技特派项目1项、沈阳农业大学引进人才项目1项。参与“十三五”国家重点研发计划(子课题)2项、“十四五”国家重点研发计划(子课题)1项。主持制定辽宁省地方标准1项,以第一完成人获辽宁农业科技贡献一等奖1项。在Food Chemistry、Postharvest Biology and Technology、Scientia Horticulturae等学术杂志发表论文13


1)Miaomiao Yao1, Xin Zhou1, Yongran Ji, Manli Luo, Yangyang Sun, Qian Zhou, Shujuan ji*. Potential of ethylene in alleviating cold-induced volatile esters loss of ‘Nanguo’ pears by regulating the lipoxygenase pathway. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022, 194, 104723.

2Manli Luo1, Xin Zhou1, Huajun Sun, Qian Zhou, Wanying Ge, Yangyang Sun, Miaomiao Yao, Shujuan Ji*.Insights into profifiling of volatile ester and LOX-pathway related gene families accompanying post-harvest ripening of ‘Nanguo’ pears. Food Chemistry, 2021, 335, 127665.

3Xin Zhou, Zhuo Tan, Qian Zhou, Fei Shi, Miaomiao Yao, Baodong Wei, Shunchang Cheng, Shujuan Ji*. Effect of intermittent warming on aroma-related esters of ‘Nanguo’ pears through regulation of unsaturated fatty acid synthesis after cold storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020, 13: 1119-1130.

4Manli Luo1, Xin Zhou1, Huajun Sun, Qian Zhou, Baodong Wei, Shunchang Cheng, Shujuan Ji*. Glycine betaine treatment alleviates loss of aroma-related esters in cold-stored ‘Nanguo’ pears by regulating the lipoxygenase pathway. Food Chemistry, 2020, 316, 126335.

5Fei Shi1, Xin Zhou1, Qian Zhou, ZhuoTan, Miao-miaoYao, Bao-dongWei, Shu-juanJi*. Membrane lipid metabolism changes and aroma ester loss in low temperature stored ‘Nanguo’ pears. Food Chemistry, 2018, 245,446-453.

6Fei Shi1, Xin Zhou1, Qian Zhou, Zhuo Tan, Miao-miao Yao, Bao-dongWei, Shujuan Ji*. Transcriptome analyses provide new possible mechanisms of aroma ester weakening of ‘Nanguo’ pears after refrigeration. Scientia Horticulture, 2018, 237, 247-256.

7Fei Shi1, Xin Zhou1, Miao-miao Yao, Zhuo Tan, Qian Zhou, Lei Zhang, Shujuan Ji*. miRNAs play important roles in aroma weakening during shelf life in ‘Nanguo’ pear after cold storage. Food Research International, 2018, 116, 942-952.

8Miaomiao Yao1, Xin Zhou1, Qian Zhou, Fei Shi, Baodong Wei, Shunchang Cheng, Zhuo Tan, Shujuan ji*. Low temperature conditioning alleviates loss of aroma-related esters of ‘Nanguo’pears by regulation of ethylene signal transduction. Food Chemistry, 2018, 264, 263-269.

9Xin Zhou, Ling Dong, Rui Li, Qian Zhou, Junwei Wang, Shujuan Ji. 2015. Low temperature conditioning prevents loss of aroma-related esters from ‘Nanguo’ pears during ripening at room temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 100: 23-32.

10Xin Zhou, Ling Dong, Qian Zhou, Junwei Wang, Nan Chang, Zhiyong Liu, Shujuan Ji. 2015. Effects of intermittent warming on aroma-related esters of 1-methylcyclopropene-treated ‘Nanguo’ pears during ripening at room temperature. Scientia Horticulturae, 185: 82-89.


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